MTSS - Multi-Tiered Systems of Support


School Districts are required to use "multi-tiered systems of support" (MTSS) - a tiered process of school support that utilizes differentiated instructional strategies for students, provides students with scientific, research-based interventions, continuously monitors student performance using scientifically, research-based progress monitoring instruments, and makes educational decisions based on a student's response to the interventions.

What is MTSS?

From ISBE Parent Guide

A Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS) is a framework schools use to ensure all students have the supports they need to be successful. Through MTSS, school teams identify students in need of additional academic, social/emotional, or behavioral support, as well as students who may need special education through a school-wide screening process.

Under MTSS, students receive support in the form of interventions. An intervention is a specific type of instruction or guidance that is used to help with a particular type of problem. A teacher will intervene with a solution in the form of an activity, academic programming, or a strategy that is matched to a student’s needs. Student progress is monitored often to check the effectiveness of the intervention. The data collected on a student’s progress is used to shape instruction or identify specific aids/strategies to help the student reach desired outcomes.

District 202 currently utilizes multiple methods for determining which students may benefit from academic, social emotional, or behavioral assistance.  Data from standardized assessments including iReady, are collected and analyzed at least 3 times per year (fall, winter, spring) to determine which students may demonstrate the need for additional skill building opportunities. Teacher feedback and student performance on classroom assessments are also reviewed to identify students that may require additional and targeted support. Should your student be identified as someone who might benefit from additional structured academic support, you will receive further, and ongoing, communication school staff. Academic, social emotional, or behavioral support takes place periodically during the school day and student growth is consistently monitored to determine when support is no longer needed.

The MTSS Framework

  • Promotes a safe, caring, responsive school climate.

  • Addresses academic and behavioral barriers to learning and teaching.

  • A Comprehensive System of Learning Supports based on a 3-tiered model focused on core instruction, intervention, assessment, and response to intervention.

  • Research based reading, math, and behavior interventions, universal screening, and progress monitoring.  

The MTSS Framework is a three-tiered model. 

Tier 1: Universal Core Instruction

  • Provided for all students

  • Instructional practices are evidence-based

  • Instruction is differentiated to meet all student needs

Tier 2: Targeted Small Group Interventions

  • Small group interventions are provided in addition to core instruction

  • Interventions are evidence-based programs and/or practices

  • Frequent progress monitoring to ensure student is responding and the intervention is effective

Tier 3: Intensive, Individual Interventions

  • Intervention support is provided with higher frequency and/or intensity one on one or with a very small group

  • Higher level intervention provided in addition to core instruction

  • Intervention tailored specifically to meet the needs of each student

Benefits of MTSS

  • Identify problems early.

  • Data-based decisions to provide academic and/or behavioral interventions immediately.

  • Progress monitoring to evaluate effectiveness of intervention.

  • Flexibility of student grouping and services.

  • Some students can succeed with extra support and do not require special education.

MTSS:  A Problem-Solving Process

  • Uses data to identify interventions that improve educational and behavioral outcomes for students.

  • Provides a systematic and data-based progress monitoring method for determining the degree to which a student has responded to an academic and/or behavioral intervention.

  • A process to determine students who may require more intensive intervention through special education.