Board Meeting Information

A copy of the agenda for all regular meetings is available at the Administration Center or on the District's web site two days before each meeting. Meetings are open to the public so that citizens may view the work of the Board of Education.

The Board of Education may, by law discuss certain matters in private, including collective bargaining negotiations; real estate; pending litigation; sale or purchase of securities and investments; employment of individuals; matters relating to individual students; and security.

However, all final votes -- including those on matters discussed in closed session -- must be made in public. To be approved, an issue must receive a favorable majority vote.

The Board of Education convenes regular meetings in Open Session at 6:30 p.m., then goes immediately into Closed Session for about an hour. The Board reconvenes into Open Session at 7:30 p.m.

THE GENERAL PUBLIC DOES NOT NEED TO COME BEFORE 7:30 P.M. however, attendees are welcome to wait in the Board Room until the Board returns at 7:30 p.m.

By law, all public Board of Education meetings must include time for public comment. The Board of Education provides time at its regular meetings for citizens to express interest in and concerns about the district's schools.

Individuals or groups who wish to speak to the Board of Education must sign up before the "public" part of the meeting which starts at 7:30 p.m. Please sign up on the sheet provided at the meeting between 6:30-7:30 p.m. Speakers are then recognized near the start of the meeting, as set forth in the Board of Education agenda.

Matters concerning an individual school, student or staff member should be discussed first with the school principal. If the problem cannot be resolved at the school, it should be brought to the Superintendent. These matters should not be discussed in public to protect students' and staff members' rights to privacy.

Generally, speakers are allowed two minutes each with a total of 20 minutes allotted for public comment. The Board President reserves the right to limit the number of individuals or groups recognized to speak, and to extend the total time allotted for public comment.

Individuals or groups who wish a reply, discussion, data, or study of a subject should submit their requests in writing (15732 Howard Street, Plainfield IL 60544) to the Superintendent by 4:30 p.m. on the third working day before the Board of Education meeting. Each request must state purposes and topics to be presented.

Members of the audience may not address the Board of Education during its deliberation of issues, and, generally speaking, the Board of Education will not respond to questions from the floor.